Stephen & Sonia Wallace
Advancing the Gospel.
Pushing back the darkness.
We are Stephen and Sonia Wallace, Assemblies of God world missionaries, serving in the Nordic nation of Finland. We live in the capital city of Helsinki where we are boldly advancing the gospel among university students, bringing hope and healing to victims of human trafficking and building strong communities of faith through teaching and discipleship.
Our Mission. God’s Call
Our mission is simply to follow God’s call and advance the gospel wherever we go and with everyone we encounter.
Our missions journey began in 2004 in South America in the nation of Argentina. There we helped develop and lead one of the national Bible colleges where our mission was to train and equip future pastors, leaders and workers for Argentina and the world.
After serving for more than a decade in one of the southernmost countries in the world, we sensed God calling us to a new frontier, but this time to one of the northernmost nations, Finland. We arrived in 2016 and have been advancing the Good News here in several areas in need of the light of the gospel. We’ve been earnestly learning the language and culture of Finland so we may more effectively share the gospel in this amazing nation.
In 2022, we were invited to serve as the Area Directors for Northern Europe. As we continue to live and serve in Helsinki, Finland, we also work closely with other global workers across the 10 nations of Northern Europe, which include Scotland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland. Together we are advancing the gospel across Northern Europe.
Hakaniemi neighborhood in Helsinki
Our Ministry Focus
We believe God is at work around the world and that includes here in Finland. The obstacles can at times seem overwhelming but we truly believe hearts are ready to receive the Good News if we will be bold enough to meet people where they are.
In addition to our role as Area Directors for Northern Europe, our heart is engage with university students, walking with them through this season of life, hearing their questions and pointing them to Jesus along the way. It also means walking with survivors of human trafficking and being a part of their healing and restoration which has left them vulnerable and wounded. Finally, God has given us a burden to see vibrant, strong and growing communities of faith established through the local church here in Finland. Pray for us as we seek to advance the gospel in this nation.
“Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.”
Why the university?
Why Project Rescue?
Why Faith communities?
join our support team
As missionaries, we depend upon the financial and spiritual support we receive from churches, individuals and organizations. Without the help from people like you, we couldn’t do what we do here in Finland. Thank you!