Together… we are advancing the gospel in finland
Through the generosity of churches, family and friends we receive the financial support needed to move across the world and follow our Lord’s command to go into all the world and preach the gospel. Thank you for partnering with us both financially and in prayer.
You can easily and securely give to our ministry through our online giving site. You can make a one-time gift or a recurring monthly financial contribution.
Simply click on the button below and follow the online instructions. If you have any questions or issues, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Another option is to send your financial contribution by mail. To do so, you can send a check to the address below:
1445 N. Boonville Ave.
Acct. #266860
Springfield, MO 65802
Be sure to write our account number #266860 on the memo line of your check. If you would like your contribution to be a personal gift, add the code (09) to the account number.
Support Resources
Here are some resources that are helpful when supporting our ministry financially:
Support Profile (PDF)
If you would like to view a summary of our ministry profile and financial needs [see image at right], you may download that here. This is helpful when sharing our work with others or would like to know more about our current ministry as missionaries.
Monthly Commitment Form (Online / PDF)
These identical forms (online and PDF) are used to register our monthly commitments so we know we are able to meet our monthly budget needs. If you are supporting us regularly or would like to support us, you can inform us of your commitment by using this form. You can choose either to use the online version or print and mail the PDF version. If you need assistance, just let us know.
PLease pray for us
As wonderful as financial contributions are, they are only one part of the much needed support required for our ministry in Finland.
Please remember to pray for us regularly so that we may have the strength, courage and wisdom to advance the gospel here in Finland. If you haven’t already signed up for our newsletter to receive regular updates, you can do that below. If you would like to receive one of our prayer cards, contact us and we’ll send you one. Thank you for supporting us in prayer!